Public Education
For more information please see the CPR & First Aid page of our website. Here
CPR saves Lives
Bicycle Safety
Bicycle Related Injuries
Each year, more than 500,000 people in the US are treated in emergency departments, and more than 700 people die as a result of bicycle-related injuries.
Children are at particularly high risk for bicycle-related injuries. The Fire Department carries an inventory of bike helmets, we can fit your child with one today.

Fire Prevention Education
The Fire Department provides fire education and fire prevention classes to the elementary school during Fire Prevention Week in October. Tours of the fire station are also available upon request. Group tours last approximately 30 minutes and include age appropriate safety information, followed by viewing a fire engine, aid car and firefighting equipment. Firefighters also talk about their roles and responsibilities in keeping the community safe. To request a tour call the fire station at 425-222-5841.
Smoke Alarms
Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in reported home fires by 50%.
Install smoke alarms inside every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of your home.
Test your smoke alarms once a month.
Replace smoke alarms every 10 years.
Replace batteries at least once a year!
Change your battery when
you change your clock.
Wood stove &Fireplace Safety
Fire District 27 would like to remind everyone that home fires are more prevalent in winter than in any other season.
Every year the Fire Department responds to chimney fires resulting from a buildup of creosote and other unburned particles. A chimney fire can easily extend into an attic, ceiling or wall and cause extensive damage to a home. Before lighting the first fire of the season, there are a few important safety tips to remember. > Read More
Water Safety
Fall City Fire District 27 would like to remind you of the risks involved with swimming or rafting in the local rivers.
Rivers are dynamic systems that change constantly with hidden undercurrents, rocks, fallen trees, and log jams that can put you and your friends in a very dangerous situation.
Kids Safety Zone

Interactive Websites that Promote Fire Prevention and Home Safety: