Emergency Services

Fall City Fire Department currently has 22 certified firefighters/EMT's. Twelve are full time career fire fighters, the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, and eight volunteers. Additionally four recruits are in the 2023 volunteer academy. We serve the Fall City community and surrounding areas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The department's goal for response time is within five minutes from initial dispatch. FCFD is dispatched by NORCOM.

Emergency Medical Services
Fall City Fire Department provides outstanding emergency medical care. Our medical aid response team is staffed with certified medical technicians ensuring professional emergency care. FCFD is committed to maintaining the highest level of pre-hospital care possible, through continuous training and in alliance with King County Medic One paramedics.

Technical Rescue
The Fire Department has seven Firefighters trained in swift water rescue and maintains an equipment cache to support this specialized team. Our swift water technicians train throughout the year and are certified annually. Our SRT team works cooperatively with surrounding fire departments and King County's Marine Rescue Dive Team.

Wildland Firefighting
Fall City Fire Department has fifteen fire fighters certified in wildland firefighting and all members have completed RT-130 training. Wildland firefighting requires different techniques, equipment, and training from the more familiar structure firefighting. In cooperation with other agencies our Firefighters may be deployed to incidents inside our state and out of state to Oregon and California. Wildfire suppression also addresses the issues of the wildland-urban interface, where populated areas border with wildland areas. Protect your home from wildfires for more information > Firewise program.